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Who We Are

We are an award-winning, leading independent girls’ day school in London. Founded in 1873, it is the oldest of the 25 schools which make up the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST). We are an all-through school of approximately 900 girls aged 4-18. There are 310 girls in the Junior School (4-10+) and 600 girls in the Senior School, of whom about 150 are in the sixth form.

NHEHS is an oversubscribed academically selective school. We were the TES Independent Senior School of the Year, 2021 and in our latest ISI inspection, March 2022, we achieved the grade of ‘Excellent’ in all areas.

Our girls are ambitious, bright, enthusiastic and eager to learn.

The school is highly regarded for the way it achieves its outstanding outcomes within a particularly warm and supportive environment, where pastoral care and achieving the best for every girl is at the heart of everything we do.


Joining our school will provide you with the following:

  • The opportunity to teach highly motivated, talented pupils
  • An enhanced salary scale
  • Opportunity of reduced tuition fees at NHEHS for daughters of established staff (subject to the usual entry requirements).
  • Access to the GDST’s programme of professional development
  • A pleasant and convenient location in Ealing with excellent transport links

Professional Personal Development

The school invests heavily in developing its staff and offer the following:

  • A Bite-Size CPD programme runs throughout the year and sessions are offered by experienced colleagues on a variety of themes from pastoral care to pedagogical techniques and digital skills
  • A Middle Leaders Programme for those newly appointed to, or aspiring to, leadership roles in the school
  • GDST training courses on a range of academic and pastoral topics
  • New Staff have a comprehensive Induction Programme run by members of the senior team and are assigned a buddy from another department to look after them in their first year
  • There is a generous timetable allocation given to PGCE and NQT teachers, as well as their mentors. It is possible for colleagues to do a PGCE with the University of Buckingham
  • The school is also invested in supporting colleagues in developing subject knowledge. Colleagues wishing to develop expertise in teaching another subject will be supported in doing this, with time and resources.
  • Every year, a number of Voluntary Development Posts will be offered to colleagues seeking opportunities to work beyond the classroom and develop their skills in another area of school life.

Staff Wellbeing

The GDST is committed to diversity, inclusion and real change: a family where every individual is valued, respected and included.

Your well-being is very important to us so as well as an excellent free lunch, colleagues also enjoy regular social and cultural events including; weekly staff access to the school pool, well-being weekend walks for colleagues local to the school, coffee-and-cake social events in the staffroom, the annual Staff Christmas Quiz, staff vs student netball, musical soirées and end of term drinks gatherings.


How to find us

Ealing Broadway underground station is a short walk from the school with the Central, District and Elizabeth lines, offering excellent connection from central London and from the west of Ealing.

How to find us

How to find us
CB24 4RS

GDST logo

Nottinghill and Ealing High School is proud to be part of the GDST, a world leader in girls’ education. Our students benefit from the opportunities the Trust make available in areas such as sport, music, drama and careers’ advice and support.

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